Six Reasons to Enroll your Child in a Kindergarten or PreK Readiness Program

Monday, May 20th, 2019


  1. Formal programs can help to improve your child’s academic and school readiness. For many children, this may be their first experience in a structured setting with other children and teachers.
  2. They can provide a foundation for learning, both socially and academically. Preschool and readiness programs can help significantly boost pre-math and literacy skills. Children will not only learn academically, but they will learn to share, follow instructions, listen and so much more.
  3. Kindergarten readiness programs can help to nurture your child’s creativity and curiosity. They begin to make choices.
  4. Summer PreK and kindergarten readiness programs can provide your child with an opportunity to learn and play in a structured setting. This structure is integral to preparing your child for the next step. They teach your child to function in a classroom setting.
  5. Readiness programs can help to prepare your child emotionally to move on to the next phase – preschool or kindergarten. Emotional readiness, such as learning to compromise, learning respect and learning to play can help your child build confidence.
  6. They can help to develop a child’s motor skills. Play, various classroom activities and physical activity are all important to kindergarten readiness and PreK readiness. These activities can help children develop fine motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination and balance.

Kindergarten & PreK Readiness Programs Can Help a Child Succeed

Is your child entering kindergarten or preschool in the fall? Do you feel they are well prepared for this big step in their life? If not, we can help! Even if they are, we can help to keep their skills nicely polished and ready for the start of their kindergarten or preschool year. Our summer programs will not only help them to continue to learn, but to develop friendships, confidence, self-awareness and the independence needed to succeed. Our programs are a unique combination of learning and fun.

Each summer Building Blocks Learning Centers in Wilkes-Barre, Mountain Top and Dallas help to prepare children with two exceptional readiness programs. Both programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of each child. Our Sparks Kindergarten Readiness Boot Camp and our Prekindergarten Summer Boot Camp can give you the peace of mind in knowing your child will strengthen their skills and continue to learn and develop all summer long.

Sparks! Kindergarten Readiness Boot Camp

Your child’s transition into kindergarten can begin with Sparks! Kindergarten Readiness Boot Camp. Each week, students will study a carefully selected book. Then, using the concepts of literacy and reading comprehension they will focus on their kindergarten readiness skills in nine different areas. Skills of focus will include self-help, social-emotional, visual, verbal, language development, listening, work habits gross motor and fine motor skills. Building Blocks Spark!

Sparks! Kindergarten Readiness Boot Camp is taught by a PA Licensed PreK teacher and is designed to meet the needs of all students, whether they attend a PreK class or not. Daily activities will include science exploration, math and reasoning, art and creativity, reading and language development and team building. The kindergarten readiness program begins in June so contact us to learn more or register your child today.

Prekindergarten Summer Boot Camp 

This program has been specially designed for children ages 3 ½ to 4 ½ to help prepare them for their transition into PreK. A special prekindergarten curriculum will keep your child engaged and learning throughout the summer. Weekly themes will focus on areas of math, science, leadership, cultural awareness, cooperation, problem solving and health and wellness. Every day skills will be addressed, such as money concepts, reading comprehension, conflict resolution, creative thinking and more.

You can help give your child the edge they need to succeed in school by giving them the opportunity to attend preschool. This will help to expose your child to so many different learning experiences. Learn more about our PreK summer bootcamp now.

Are you ready to enroll your child in a summer readiness program?

Child care experts seem to agree that a high-quality early learning program can help a child to succeed in school.  Transitioning your child to this next phase can be integral to their success. Kindergarten readiness programs and PreK readiness programs can help to broaden your child’s horizons and prepare them for the next steps in life. It will also help to build an excitement and lessen anxiety about entering kindergarten or preschool.

Let Building Blocks Learning Center help to prepare your child for a lifetime of learning.

Learn more at 570-208-2252.

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Introduce your preschooler to a healthier diet

Monday, March 11th, 2019

March is National Nutrition Month and it’s a great time to teach your child the importance of making good food choices and developing healthy eating habits. The foods your preschooler eats throughout the day are an important part of his or her overall health. You can begin by setting a great example for your child by making healthy food choices yourself.  Start nutrition education young by exposing your child to a variety of foods early in life. This will help them to develop a better attitude towards trying new and different foods.

You may be wondering just how much your child should be eating. The USDA ChoseMyPlate site offers handy calorie suggestions for boys and girls of various ages and activity levels. This guide, along with input from your pediatrician will help you to determine a healthy nutrition plan for your child. At Building Blocks Learning Centers, we realize the importance of a healthy diet for children of all ages. We focus on providing highly nutritious snacks and meals to the children in our care every day.  We feel it is important to helping to energize their bodies and sharpen their minds.

Five tips to help your child develop healthy eating habits 

  1. Sit down for a family dinner as often as possible. We realize it can be hard juggling everyone’s schedule and may not always be possible. When you can do it, it’s a great way to not only be sure your child is eating a healthy dinner, but also learn more about their day. Plan your family meal so everyone is eating the same foods. No need to make a separate mac and cheese dinner for a fussy child, rather teach them to eat the well-balanced meal you are enjoying.
  2. Provide plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains for your child with meals and snacks. Introduce various fruits and vegetables to their child when they are young, they won’t be as quick to turn their nose up at things if they are used to them. A snack that includes dipping raw vegetables, such as broccoli and carrots into a healthy dip can seem like a treat if it’s introduced that way!
  3. Take your child grocery shopping. It’s a great way to help them make healthier choices right from the start. Show them examples of the various food groups that should make up their plate. Let them pick out some fruits and vegetables on their own. Explain how you check the nutritional information on food labels when making purchase decisions.
  4. Let your child help plan and prepare a meal with age appropriate tasks. Explain how you incorporate products from all of the food groups into the meal and teach your child about portion size. If your child takes part in the process of making a meal, they are more apt to eat and enjoy it. Learning about what goes into a meal may also help them to make healthier choices in the lunchroom.
  5. Most importantly, be a good role model by sharing the healthy foods you enjoy with your child. Avoid eating too much junk food and sugary drinks, don’t skip meals and snack sensibly. It’s also important to try to avoid eating in front of the TV or computer when your child is around, as it could lead to mindless eating. Talk positively about healthy foods and encourage your child to eat nutritiously each day. Teach them about listening to their body for hunger cues as well.

For a more in-depth look at the five food groups, along with examples of foods in each group to share with your child, visit the USDA ChooseMyPlate site You will also find tips for picky eaters, as well as food safety tips and more. Check the Building Blocks Learning Center blog monthly for more helpful tips regarding preschool children.



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