
Summer Childcare Programs Provide Needed Interaction

April 12, 2021

After months spent learning virtually at home away from friends and classmates, children are ready to get back to socializing and developing a more structured routine. Building Blocks Learning Center has flexible summer childcare programs to help reconnect children and meet the needs of families this summer. This includes part-time or full-time care, before or […]

Virtual Support Labs Help Families Face Challenges

February 8, 2021

While it might look like business as usual at some childcare and pre-school facilities, a lot has changed. Including the introduction of virtual support labs at Building Blocks. Operating a childcare center in the age of coronavirus is challenging to say the least. Zubeen Saeed, President & CEO of Building Blocks Learning Center understands that […]

Imaginative play can inspire young minds

February 19, 2020

Anything is possible with a little imagination. The power of pretending can help your child be or do just about anything.  From ruling their very own kingdom to walking on the moon or even racing in the Daytona 500. Imaginative play is an integral part of a child’s overall development. As parents, we should always […]

How to keep your child healthier in daycare & preschool

January 26, 2020

Childcare centers and preschools are fabulous for providing toddlers with opportunities to socialize and learn in a safe and nurturing environment. You may be considering enrolling your child in daycare or preschool but are concerned about the prospect of dealing with frequent illness. Fear not. While kids do pass things on to one another, there […]

Tips for Helping Your Pre-Schooler Build Math Skills

December 2, 2019

Math skills are one of the most important things we can teach our children at an early age. Early exposure to math and math concepts can have a big impact on a child’s skill levels later in life. Learning math can help a toddler to develop the ability to solve problems. This is so essential […]

Building Blocks Announces Pre-Kindergarten Program at West Side CTC

October 25, 2019

West Side Career & Technology Center (WSCTC) is partnering with Building Blocks Learning Center to offer a pre-kindergarten program at the WSCTC for the 2019/2020 school year. Pre-K Counts grant funding is available. If you qualify, the program can be free. Children who experience a good pre-k program are better prepared socially and academically for […]